Goethe University current courses, Winter Semester 24/25
Deep Learning for Computer Vision:
Offered by Prof. Roig. To participate, please register to the Moodle page of the course.
Tutor: M. Fulde
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Seminar:
Offered by Dr. Sari Saba-Sadiya, Dr. Bhavin Choksi (Prof. Roig), Prof. Kaschube and Prof. Ramesh. To participate, please register in the Moodle PAMI seminar course. The date for the first meeting will be communicated via email and in the Moodle course site.
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Seminar (SS24):
Offered by Dr. Sari Saba-Sadiya, Dr. Bhavin Choksi (Prof. Roig), Prof. Kaschube and Prof. Ramesh. To participate, please register in the Moodle PAMI seminar course. The date for the first meeting will be communicated via email and in the Moodle course site.
Deep Learning for Computer Vision (WS23/24):
Offered by Prof. Roig. This course is partly an online course. All information will be provided in the Moodle course site.
Tutors: M. Fulde
Machine Learning I (SS23):
Offered by Prof. Roig. To participate, please register to the Moodle page of the course.
Tutor: M. Fulde
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Seminar (SS23):
Offered by Dr. Sari Saba-Sadiya (Prof. Roig), Prof. Kaschube and Prof. Ramesh. To participate, please register in the Moodle PAMI seminar course. The date for the first meeting will be communicated via email and in the Moodle course site.
Deep Learning for Computer Vision (WS22/23):
Offered by Prof. Roig. This course is partly an online course. All information will be provided in the Moodle course site.
Tutors: M. Fulde, T. Schaumlöffel , J. Lyu.
Introduction to Programming in Python (WS22/23):
Offered by Dr. Tolle, Prof. Kuehne and Prof. Roig. This is a basic bachelor course. All information in provided in Moodle.
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Seminar (WS22/23):
Offered by Prof. Kaschube and Prof. Ramesh. This course is an online course. To participate, please register in the Moodle PAMI seminar course. The date for the first meeting will be communicated via email and in the Moodle course site.
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Seminar (SS22):
Offered by Prof. Roig, Prof. Kaschube and Prof. Ramesh. This course is an online course. To participate, please register in the Moodle PAMI seminar course. The date for the first meeting will be communicated via email and in the Moodle course site.
Machine Learning I (WS21/22):
Offered by Prof. Roig, Prof. Kuehne and Prof. Kaschube. This course is an online course.
Tutor: R. Staehle.
Computer Vision (WS21/22):
Offered by Prof. Roig. This course is partly an online course. All information will be provided in the Moodle course site.
Tutors: M. Fulde, K. Dwivedi, M. Ahsan.
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Seminar (WS21/22):
Offered by Prof. Roig, Prof. Kaschube and Prof. Kuehne. This course is an online course. To participate, please register in the Moodle PAMI seminar course. The date for the first meeting will be communicated via email and in the Moodle course site.
Machine Learning II (SS21):
Offered by Prof. Roig, Prof. Kuehne and Prof. Kaschube. This course is an online course.
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Seminar (SS21):
Offered by Prof. Roig, Prof. Kaschube and Prof. Ramesh. This course is an online course. To participate, please register in the Moodle PAMI seminar course. The date for the first meeting will be communicated via email and in the Moodle course site.
Computer Vision (WS20/21):
Offered by Prof. Roig. This course is partly an online course. All information will be provided in the Moodle course site.
Tutors: K. Dwivedi, J. Pliushch, M. Fulde
Machine Learning I (WS20/21):
Offered by Prof. Roig, Prof. Kaschube and Prof. Bertschinger. This course is partly an online course. All information will be provided in the Moodle course site.
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Seminar (WS20/21):
Offered by Prof. Roig, Prof. Kaschube, Prof. Ramesh and Prof. Bertschinger. This course is an online course. To participate and for more information, please register in the Moodle PAMI seminar course.
Ethical Implications of AI (WS20/21):
Offered by Prof. Roig, Prof. Zicari, Dr. Tolle and Mr. Vetter. This course is an online course. For more information and to participate, please visit in the course website.
Artificial Intelligence an interdisciplinary field. Perspectives from Psychology and Computer Science (WS20/21):
Offered by Prof. Roig and Dr. Ulfert. This is a block online course. For more information see the QIS system.
Machine Learning II (SS20):
Offered by Prof. Roig, Prof. Kaschube and Prof. Ramesh. This course is an online course. To participate, please register in the Moodle PAMI seminar course. The date for the first meeting will be communicated via email and in the Moodle course site.
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Seminar (SS20):
Offered by Prof. Roig, Prof. Kaschube, Prof. Ramesh and Prof. Bertschinger. This course is an online course. To participate, please register in the Moodle PAMI seminar course. The date for the first meeting will be communicated via email and in the Moodle course site.
Open to everyone
Future meetings: This seminar is currently postponed and might go virtual. Register to stay tunned: [link]
Location: Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
Organized by: Dr. Nori Jacoby (MPIEA), Prof. Dr. Matthias Kaschube (FIAS & Goethe University Frankfurt), Prof. Dr. Kristian Kersting (TU Darmstadt), Prof. Dr. Stefan Kramer (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz), Prof. Dr. Visvanathan Ramesh (Goethe University Frankfurt), Prof. Dr. Gemma Roig (Goethe University Frankfurt), Prof. Dr. Constantin A. Rothkopf (TU Darmstadt & FIAS), Prof. Dr. Jochen Triesch (FIAS & Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Computer Vision: 4th year undergrad course
- Artificial Intelligence: 4th year undergrad course
- Introduction to Algorithms: 2nd year undergrad course
- Probability and Statistics: 2nd year undergrad course
- Digital World: 1st year undergrad course
Gemma's recorded talk at the
CVPR 2020Workshop on
Continual Learning in Computer Vision
Gemma's recorded lecture as part of the online course Ethical Implications of AI at
the Goethe University Frankfurt, 2020.
[Link to the whole course]
Gemma's recorded lecture at the
2nd HBP Student Conference, 2018
Gemma's recorded lecture at MIT
course 9.520, class 25, 2015
AI Website Generator